Presenting, expressing, connecting ideas, and many other skills that I did not know about my family members, and they were ignorant of them themselves until one day we tried 101 Expressions.
On one of our family trips, I brought 101 Expressions with me, and I am reluctant of their interaction with the game, but I said to try and suggest starting the game with describing the person on your right with a picture and vice versa, there was a huge joy from the extent of knowing things about each other and the amazing ability of 101 to inspire them and how each person can see each picture completely differently from the other And expressing things or attributes that are difficult to disclose, but with pictures 101 we were able to easily express and pick words as everyone creatively expresses himself.
We also used 101 in an unfamiliar way where an individual chooses one picture that expresses another individual but without his knowledge and everyone should guess the person expressed with the picture and mentioned the reasons; the game revealed a lot to us and had a great impact on that day.
And one of the most surprising applications of the game to us was connecting and linking, where my family members chose 3 pictures without seeing them, and within a minute, each of us would have prepared an idea, story or expression to associate these 3 pictures with each other. It was a very interesting application and was able to reveal to some members of my family skills they did not realize. We played this application on more than one stage, such as linking 4 pictures, or as selecting a group of pictures and let another individual connect them within 3 minutes and many other levels that we relied on to either make the task difficult or ignite a spirited challenge and courage between us.
We were about 15 people from all age groups, from 6 to 55 years old, everyone joined and waited impatiently for the expressing and there was never anyone who was bored, on the contrary, we wouldn't have stopped playing but because the closure of the place we were, we sat for more than 3 hours and We develop ideas and apply them with pleasure, and I discovered that one of the advantages of 101 is the flexibility and applicable in more than one form, and the ability to renew ideas and create different methods and various rules to suit your goal in the game.
Besides the fun of the application, the pictures are very expressive, summarizing the feelings, thoughts and really deep ones, to the extent that it takes you to another world by looking at them.
I can say that 101 made that day for us and left a mark on every one of us and they all asked me to bring it every time, and I would never hesitate to.
Thanks, Smart Skills.